Coronavirus: France to extend lockdown

France President, Emmanuel Macron

French President, Emmanuel Macron, will address the nation on Monday evening and is expected to clarify how long a previously announced extension of the county’s lockdown will last.

In a televised speech scheduled for 8 p.m. (1800 GMT), his third since the onset of the coronavirus crisis, the president will likely elaborate on last week’s move to extend France’s lockdown beyond the initial end date of April 15.

Macron will not indicate the crisis is yet coming to a close, French media reported on Sunday, citing unnamed top political sources.


The Journal du Dimanche wrote that existing restrictions on public life could even be extended into mid or late May.

France’s scientific council recently recommended the restrictions, which have been in effect since March 17 and should last at least six weeks.

People are only allowed to leave the house for one hour a day within a radius of one kilometre from their homes for essential reasons such as shopping, walking or other forms of exercise.

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