Tonto Dikeh, Olakunle Churchill fight dirty over gay/bisexual claim

When the going was sweet...

Nigeria’s most acrimonious ex-couple, Tonto Dikeh and Olakunle Churchill, on Monday, again set social media ‘ablaze’.
they are always at each other’s neck even after divorce, but the latest claims appear weighty even that the ‘4-second’ sexual weakness claim that caused furore months back.
In the latest accusations, the woman seem to be accusing the man of being partly gay, calling him a bisexual.
She started the case when she noted on Instagram that she walked out of her marriage when she realized she had married a bisexual man:

In her post, the mum of one pointed out that she walked out when she discovered she was married to a bisexual man. She added that about 60% of men are bisexual.

”You wakeup one day and you discover you are married to a BISEXUAL Man..
For those of you who says GODFORBID well I hope you know that 60% of the men you/WE marry SLEEP WITH MEN..
Or y’all still casting and binding FOR CHANGE
#BoysNightOut #BoysTrip #Outwiththsboys.”
This was followed by a post by Olakunle, saying what many believe is a response to Tonto’s attack. Then, the war became full blown!

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