Go Super Falcons! Thoughts on Sports in Nigeria

Akeem Lasisi
Akeem Lasisi
Fisayo Fadelu

Fisayo Fadelu

In case you missed it, the FIFA Women’s Cup is underway in France. The Nigerian Super Falcons are on ground. As I wish them well, I also reflect on what could be. What could be if the boundless of athletic potential in the land were harnessed?

In this 2019 Women’s Cup, our ladies get an applause just for qualifying. They are not expected to win. The Africans are good, just not for gold. On this, the speaker is only partly right. Our fire power shines brightest in foreign jerseys. After all, you should expect to reap only where you have sown. When France, for instance, adopts our children, polishes them, and makes them into stars, France deservedly wins the game.

An investment in recruiting, training, and supporting Nigerian athletes is capital very well spent on our national image. In time, it will yield winning athletes and national pride. Imperfect as we are, if there is one thing we can win at, it is sports. Like the East African gods of the marathon, we can cement our leadership in at least one sport.

Knowing that all things of great value come at a price, Nigeria must see its own diamonds in the rough, spend on refining them, and support their participation on a world stage.
In the meantime, we cheer for our Super Falcons who are trailblazing against many odds.

Go Super Falcons!

The Super Falcons
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