TD Jakes & wife celebrate 37th anniversary

TD Jakes & wife

Samuel Oladipupo Essoodee

T.D. Jakes and his lovely wife serita Jakes are 37 years in marriage today and the couple penned romantic messages so sweet to each other.

He wrote:
He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor of the Lord. @SeritaJakes, you are my good thing! I am grateful that God blessed me so immensely when He gave me you! May our love grow stronger and burn brighter to the end of time. Happy 37th Anniversary!
Serita wrote:
When you took me to wed, you placed my heart inside yours and forged ahead for better, for worst, in sickness, in health, for richer, for poorer ~ and never let go of my hand. I love you because you kept your vow even when it was not easy; but what is a man but his word made flesh…
Babe, You are my armor, my baker, and my one true love.Every love story is special, unique and beautiful – but ours is my favorite. I love lifin’ it with you, but forever isn’t long enough. Happy Anniversary.⁣⁣
#ItsOurAnniversary #Love #Marriage #Home #Blessed
Thomas Dexter Jakes Sr, author and filmmaker, known as bishop T. D. Jakes, is the pastor of The Potter’s House, a non-denominational megachurch in America.

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