Surprise defeat: Suarez comes hard on self, teammates

Suarez cried over treatment in final days at Barcelona

Barcelona star Luis Suarez has blamed his teammates for the 4-0 bashing by Liverpool in the second leg of the Champions League semi-final.

The Camp Nou side had a 3-0 lead from the first leg of the encounter but were thrashed in the second leg of the tie on Tuesday.

Speaking after the loss, Suarez said the players needed to ask for forgiveness for looking like a “youth team.”

“We are very sad, very hurt. It’s time to do a lot of self-criticism in our team, it is the second time that this has happened,” the former Liverpool man added.

“We cannot commit the same mistake two years in a row, we have to think about many things and must be ourselves; tell us things in the face, things that we’ve done wrong. ‘It’s not possible that in one minute we concede two goals.

“Their fourth goal? We looked like a youth team there. ‘The coach does not have to be reproached, we are the ones who have to ask for forgiveness.”

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