IK Ogbona’s estranged wife finds a new life

The Ogbonas
The Ogbonas

The Ogbonas
The Ogbonas

Sonia, who is the estranged wife of Hollywood star, I.K. Ogbona, has revealed that she has found a new life in which she feels in a way she has never felt before.
Sonia and I.K. have been battling tension in their marriage, to the extent that only them know the state of their union.
But in an online post, Sonia says she has battled depression at a time, but things are currently looking up for her.
She says, “I fixed myself up so damn well! To think I suffered from a serious depression for years and to be at the place of love,light and peace that I know today is magnificent. Nothing more priceless then a journey of awakening and light ⭐️❤️Here is a confession: in my entire life, I never felt this good, and I am very aware: its just a beginning! #ARealLifeMagic #SoniaLaReinaa”.

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