Samuel Oladipupo Essoodee
Controversial OAP, Daddy Freeze, has taken to his Instagram page to mock comedian Akpororo after his show had bad turn up in Okokomaiko.
According to a video trending on the internet, Akpororo was forced to do a free show following a poor turnout despite slashing the price from N5000 to #N2000, in Okokomaiko, Lagos.
Reacting to the video, Daddy freeze wrote, practically frisking him:
‘’Wasn’t this the same comedian that insulted me and called me a wall gecko at the House of the Rock experience last December? Has his tithe stopped working for him or did he miss paying his tithe for a month?
‘’Although he cursed me and said hurtful things about me, I have forgiven him and have nothing but love for him and wish he stopped paying or advertising this idolatrous tithe and worshiped God for who he really is in spirit and truth (John 4:24) Paying tithe is idolatry and harlotry, it’s the worship of demons, the veneration of mammon and the hero worship of Satan who according to 2nd Corinthians 4:4, is the God of this world.
Christ our high priest never collected tithes and neither did the disciples, who were our first bishops and GOs.’’