The Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) has found a medical doctor,, negligent in the treatment of a pregnant woman, Hassana Saliu.
Ibrahim, who faced four-count charge at the MDCN Tribunal, was sentenced to three months suspension from medical practice.
The counts, according to ‘The Nation’ partly reads:
COUNT ONE: ‘’That you Dr. Umor Nasiru Ibrahim, registered medical practitioner, practicing as such on 3st January, 2015 or thereabouts at Al-Noor Clinic and Maternity, Angwon Rogo, Jos, Plateau State, while managing one Hassana Salihu ( F ), now deceased, as a pregnant woman under your care, were grossly negligent in her management when you failed to promptly attend to her and ensure that she was transfused with blood, as appropriate for the management of her condition, thereby, conducted yourself infamously in a professional respect contrary to Rules 29.4a, 29.4h,and 31 of the Code of Medical Ethics in Nigeria,2008 Edition, and punishable under Section 16 ( 1) (a) and (2) of the Medical and Dental Practitioners’ Act, CAP M8 LFN, 2004 (as amended)”.
COUNT TWO: That you Dr. Umar Nasiru Ibrahim, registered medical practitioner, practicing as such on 31st January, 2015 or thereabouts at AI-Noor Clinic and Maternity, Angwan Rogo, Jos, Plateau State, while managing one Hassana Salihu (F), now deceased, as a pregnant woman under your core, conducted yourself infamously in a professional respect when you knowingly enabled untrained an unregistered persons to attend to her contrary to Rules 39.2a of the Code of Medical Ethics in Nigeria,2008 Edition, and punishable under Section 16 ( 1) (a) and (2) of the Medical and Dental Practitioners’ Act, CAP M8 LFN, 2004 (as amended).
COUNT THREE: That you Dr. Umar Nasiru Ibrahim, registered medical practitioner, practicing as such on 31st January, 2015 or thereabouts at AI-Noor Clinic and Maternity, Angwon Rogo, Jos, Plateau State, and while in full time employment in the Public Service, as the Medical Director, at the National Obstetric Fistula Centre, Ningi, Bouchi State, provided in-hospitol care to one Hassana Salihu (F), now deceased, as a pregnant woman under your care, in your private hospital, thereby, conducted yourself infamousty in a professional respect contrary to Rules 49.1c of the Code of Medical Ethics in Nigeria,2008 Edition, and . punishable under Section 16 (1) (a) and (2) of the Medical and Dental Practitioners’ Act, CAP M8 LFN, 2004 {as amended).”
After a painstaking deliberation on the affidavits and facts and documents, the panel reached the conclusion that a prima facie case had been established against the respondent.
Reading the judgment, Prof. Hassan said “From The affidavits, oral evidence adduced, the documents tendered and admitted in evidence, This Honourable Tribunal finds as follows: That the Respondent failed to attend promptly to the deceased who required urgent medical attention.
“That the Respondent failed to do anything which ought reasonably to have been done under the prevailing circumstance for the good of the deceased.
“That the Respondent knowingly enabled an untrained, inexperienced person to attend to the deceased who was in child birth
“That as a consuItant, the respondent offered in-hospitaI care to the deceased in his private clinic while in full time employment in the public service.”