What men want from their wives

Abiola Igbayilola
Usually, we concentrate on what women want from men. The reason is that, when it comes to oiling a relationship, there is the sentiment that ladies should be at the receiving end – in a pampering sense of it.
The fact, however, is that men to are human beings. They are made of flesh, so that even when they tend to pretend that all is well, they have their own expectations from their women.
What does a husband want from his wife?
Indeed, the experience of some popular couples, like Nollywood greats like Olu Jacobs and Jokel Silva, has demonstrated far more than romantic issues. So also is that of actress Stella Damasus and Daniel Ademinokan, who was formerly married to Doris Simeon. The love that the couple – Stella and Daniel – have been professing for each other is so moving that one can say what men want are far-reaching.
According to wise folks at www.verywellmind.com, sex is super important to men. Most times, men will admit that it’s number one on their list for what they want in a marriage. However, many men have other desires outside of sexual relations or emotional needs.
They add, “Husbands don’t always ask their wives for what they want, but many of them have thoughts and feelings that they keep to themselves. For instance, some men feel a sense of responsibility to take care of their wives financially, even if she earns more or you worked out a dual-income contribution to the household. This example creates pressure that affects the relationship, so understanding his inner world will open you up to a world of understanding and opportunity.”
Here are some things men want from their wives;
1. Affection
While sex remains very important for most men, many simply want to experience more affection. Whether it’s holding his hand in public, leaving a love message on his voicemail, or massaging his shoulders—showing that you care about him through actions of fondness will touch his heart.
Try different ways to demonstrate how much you care about him by being warm. Simple things you can do include telling him how much you love him, cheering him on when he’s feeling doubtful, and telling him you’re sorry when things go wrong. You can always go ahead and give him an unexpected kiss or a little flirtation, too. Experiment with romantic and emotional affection to see what really makes him feel whole.
2. Belief in His Capabilities
Many men think it’s important for them to protect and provide for those they love. Let your husband know that you believe in his talents and skills and are supportive of him. Your encouragement is the most meaningful of anyone.
The most crucial thing you can do is make your man feel like a man and not a little boy. Test what makes him tick by giving him a little control (as you are comfortable). For instance, you could try letting him order for you the next time you go out to eat or put him in charge of directions. Little things like this develop trust between you two and give him a sense of responsibility in the relationship.
3. Understanding
Men want to know that you “get” them. They are often more logical and like to problem solve. This has a value and creates a balance between the women who are generally more emotional and in touch with their feelings.
One of the ways you can both show that you understand each other is by making a commitment to talk daily together. Plan a daily dialogue exercise where you take 20 minutes to ask each other positive questions. This could include things about what attracts you to one another, your favorite date together, or what your partner’s favorite quality is.
4. Appreciation and Affirmation
Most guys like to be patted on the back. One way to do this is by complimenting your husband often. Rather than over-doing it, make sure it’s genuine and sporadic throughout the week. Do simple things like:
– Let your husband know you appreciate how hard he works.
– Thank him for how he takes care of the family.
– Tell your husband how good he looks in that shirt.
– Kiss him and tell him you really admire him as a person.
5. Trust
Trust is vital to the success of a marriage. Couples build trust in healthy relationships by being honest with each other, communicating often, and learning how to fight fairly. It takes time to build trust. Over the years, you two will learn how to keep promises, be yourself, and show how much you love and appreciate each other.
If you’re having doubts about your husband and find it difficult to trust him, seek counseling and don’t engage in activities like infidelity or spying.
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